February 19, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Have you ever had a time in your life when you were headed in the opposite direction you felt God was nudging you to go in? Running from God is not wise. Is He trying to get your attention?
I, like Jonah, was in no position to bargain with the Lord. When I was in sin, I was completely disobeying God, and I was running from Him. Far from Him. I wasn’t swallowed by a great fish, but my life felt like I was in the belly of a whale. It stunk, it was putrid, it was painful, and it was very dark. Even though I wasn’t alone, I sure felt like I was.
When I was finally awakened to what I was doing in my life and realized it by reading God’s Word and hearing spoken messages, I realized quickly it would have been far better to obey God, turn, and run towards him. I should have done it from the start. Now knowing this and reflecting back, this is my prayer for you, who may be where I once was.
God had mercy on Jonah, and He had mercy on me. I am eternally grateful for this. It could have been so much worse. He will be merciful to you when you repent and humble yourself before Him; it takes a repentive heart. Open your eyes to what has led you into the place you may be in right now. May you realize whatever it is God wants you to see. Give your disobedience to God and tell Him you’re sorry and mean it with ALL of your heart. When you do this and mean it, then it also means you’ll STOP and change your course.
Please change your direction and run toward God!
No matter how far off the path you find yourself, no matter what terrible situation you are in, and no matter how dark it looks, God will hear your cry when you call on Him, asking for forgiveness. He will lift you from any pit you have fallen into and forgive you. I’m humbly sharing that my life is living proof that God forgives and transforms lives. You can be a transformation of God as well. But it takes a changed and obedient heart to overhaul your life.
Repent and surrender to God, no matter how many times it may take! Don’t give up. Examine your heart and fully surrender and call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!
Please read this portion of scripture (Romans 10:13-15) … God is merciful. He will lift you up!