February 13, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

“Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. (1 Chronicles 29:12-13)
As leaders, we step up and give. We give to God in many ways. It could be our time, talents, and offerings of money but we give out of our personal treasures to God. Our own personal treasures and giving them over to God with the right heart brings Him glory.
People seem to be amazed by the generosity of others.  But who recognizes God as the ultimate supplier of everything?
When we give from the abundance of His present faithfulness to us, the glory should go to God.  We should be willing to give of everything, our time, talents, and money with a praise-filled heart! It all belongs to Him.
Becoming women of honor that show respect in all ways that God instructs, is the person we should strive to be.
In the quietness of our giving, in the humble hearts of obedience, God sees it all and it brings Him joy. He gives strength to do what pleases Him.
Remember,  wealth and honor come from God. Strive to be a woman of honor and give all praise and glory to Your Father in heaven for all you are doing. Your giving to God in any way that you do, your time, your talents, your finances should be His. He gave it to you to give so you could honor Him first!