December 5, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

When we walk through painful, trying, and testing seasons in our life and we notice other women who seem blessed and light-footed as they jaunt from day to day, it’s tempting to want to throw our book or our story across the room and imagine ourselves in another’s story.
But we must not give up simply because we’re walking through a difficult chapter in life. Everyone faces difficulties; some just don’t show it.
God has your story, which is His story, and He continues to perfect it each day you live. He’s always working! He NEVER stops.
If we stay the course with Jesus, we’ll love how it all turns out. You may even desire to testify of it all one day soon.
When it’s all said and done, and we look back over our shoulder, we will be glad we cherished our own story. Look to what God is writing on YOUR life and share with Him how beautiful He has made it. He’s given us the one that fits us best.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing!”