September 9, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

“Whether we turn to the left or to the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, this is the way, walk in it.”  (Isaiah 30:21)…
I love to listen to the voice of God. It’s always truly a blessing when I absolutely know it’s Him speaking.
We pray about a lot of things, but what about when we need to know God’s will for our lives? To me, I ALWAYS ask God to guide me in His ways for my life each day since I do not know the future and He does.
 When it’s a decision that involves a big change in my life, I pray. I can always be certain that I know deep inside He will answer in one way or another. I’m on high alert for Him to speak after I pray.
 Do you pray about big decisions you are facing? Action in our prayer life is important.
We should pray consistently because prayer is key!
All too often we don’t hear “the voice” behind us saying, this is the way, walk in it…why?
Maybe we never prayed for direction? Maybe you have not been quiet to listen or maybe God is silent for a reason. Have you surrendered what it is and asked God to take over?
If God is leading you on a particular path and you are obedient, you can be confident that whatever happens along the way, you don’t have to worry because you are right where He wants you to be. If He is leading you and you’re obeying His voice, look for doors to open.
All too often we hear other voices speaking loudly, clamoring around us and the noise causes confusion, concerns, and issues.
Remember, if God is leading you to something, (and your quiet enough to hear His voice in it),  He’ll bring you through it.
 Listen to His voice within you, it’s a still small voice. The Holy Spirit directs us which way we should go.