November 10, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Today’s guest writer: Robin Kirby Gatto, Alabama
I hear the Father saying,
Rest in Me, My child, and know surely I will rescue you out of the fowler’s snare, as I deliver you from that which has troubled your soul, bringing freedom, the liberty of My perfect peace, removing the fetters that have bound you, causing you to know that you are Mine.
I Am the God of All Sufficiency and redeem those who are looking for Me, and cry out for salvation and freedom from the evil one, as I reveal the nature of My Son, Who is the Christ, His Name is Jesus.
You have stumbled and even fallen, do you not know that I Am the God, Who lifts you up, and brings the Light of truth to your heart, flooding it with eternal life, giving a new anointing, a fresh anointing, to be revived and renewed, knowing that you are Mine, irrevocably Mine.
You have been in a test of the cup of suffering, I Am here to rescue you from the vile attacks of the evil one, which you have endured with great perseverance and faith, and I will give you a New Name, I will lift you into the place of plenty, to know Me and the power of My might, as I stir your inner man with hope, joy unspeakable and full of glory, giving you fresh manna, opening the Word of My truth to answer that which you have not understood, and have asked of Me.
Be at peace My child, there is a new anointing, a fresh anointing upon you, and I tell you that you have passed, you have endured with My grace because you love Me.
Amen and Amen!