How we receive the peace that comes from God is a choice to us. Do we even want it?
Negativity carries an extreme amount of weight. Why would we want that in our lives?
Please Do not be influenced by others’ negativity or allow it to influence your life.
This following whisper spoke loudly to me the other day, and I wanted to share it with you.
Your enemy knows how to wound you.
He will even come through the voices of those you love the most. But I want you to be alert to My voice, more than any other.
I have taught you to follow My voice. You know what it sounds like and feels like.
Now, I want you to stand strong and not permit the voices of negativity to matter.
My voice sounds like peace. My voice explodes with hope. My voice is encouraging. It’s full of wisdom. It imparts confidence. It infuses you with expectancy and optimism.
It reminds you who you are and how beautiful, worthy and strong you are.
Though the enemy tries to silence truth, you are powerful enough to embrace it. Though society may measure you by what you do and how you look, that is not how I measure you or how I want you to measure yourself.
Always measure yourself by my grace~ the grace that was poured out for you, because you are worthy. Don’t be influenced by any other voice but Mine.
~ B.Simmons
I love when God reminds us that His voice is always the One that matters. His voice brings us peace. His voice is truth. And as the enemy wants to feed us lies, we believe his goal is to harm our minds and take us out by crushing our confidence! Don’t let him in!!!!
Go to God’s Word when negativity hits. He always has something for you there, and His peace will flood your soul. But you have to choose to dive in.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)