Hurt between fellow believers is ramped up these days. Do we, as Christ’s followers, acquiesce to certain abuses from others?
The apostle Paul tells us clearly that we should not passively allow others to hurt us, but we should discern, sift, weigh and judge everyday matters within the body of Christ. If the offense is with another believer, weigh it out or involve a lawyer” with a sister or fellow believer because of an offense.
There are so many arguments within the body of Christ, and we are watching them unfold before our eyes in a larger picture. Unfortunately, some react like the world would react to a situation by impulsively retaliating to hurts without thinking and deeply praying over them first.
God shows us that in the church, in the body of believers (active Christ followers), there is wisdom and leadership to help us discern how to handle situations. Be cautious in every way about who we choose to seek counsel with as believers. But when you have an issue that strikes deep among two different beliefs as believers in Christ, be careful not to quickly “sue” the other believer if there is an offense.
The Bible clearly states what we are to do…
Read this portion of scripture… “Don’t you realize that you are bringing your issues before civil judges appointed by people who have no standing within the church? What a shame that there is not one within the church who has the spirit of wisdom who could arbitrate these disputes and reconcile the offended parties!
It’s not right for a believer to sue a fellow believer, especially to bring it before the unbelievers.
Don’t you realize that when you drag another believer into court, you’re providing the evidence that you are already defeated? Wouldn’t it be better to accept the fact that someone is trying to cheat and take advantage of you and simply choose the high road?
At times, it is better to accept injustice and even let someone take advantage of you rather than expose our conflicts publicly before unbelievers.
But instead, you keep cheating in doing wrong to your brothers and sisters and then request that unbelievers render their judgment!” (1 Corinthians 6:4-8)
The spirit of wisdom(Eph 1:17) is one of the graces God pours out on His people.
Think before reacting. It’s a strong word to every one of us. Pray for wisdom in your situation, always. We can most likely face different opinions inside the body of Christ; it happens. Ask God for HIS wisdom. He will give it to you. Look up (James 1:5).
With a prayerful heart, someone may need to hear this word.❤ Let us pray for one another whenever we see this take place. Do a deeper study on this when you have time. It will fascinate you when you ask God to guide you in things with the right heart. . .❤️ a heart that God leads.