Words we speak are ones that can add to life or take away. When a “wise” woman speaks, she knows that timing is important. Do we strive to be that wise woman of God?
I ask God for wisdom almost every day. I pray for God’s timing when I listen to others throughout the day and when I’m prompted to speak up. The timing of our speech is very important.
(James 1:5).
When we feel things need to be said that may be difficult for the hearer, timing is everything. On your part and on theirs. This is where prayer of discernment comes in. I pray for that too but it comes with Godly wisdom. When we discern what God is guiding us toward, whether to speak up or not we are waiting upon the Holy Spirit and not moving or speaking out of our own tongue and feelings.
Whether keeping my mouth shut or speaking out in love when I need to, I need to know it’s the Holy Spirit directing me what to say.
Certain words should not be uttered expecting success if the person listening is not open or ready to hear them.
The Bible says we should not be too hasty to speak. (Prov.29:20) as wise women, we shouldn’t share every thought that comes into our heads. I laugh at this because we all know women like this, right? But then again, it’s really not funny. I know I don’t ever want to be “that woman”.
“A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back.” (Proverbs 29:11)
We may have good things to say, but be wise and remember people aren’t always ready to hear what we have to say when we want to say it. This is where prayer and wisdom come in.
It could be in that moment you need to speak up and voice truth, but then again maybe it is not. Utter a prayer to God and ask Him. I do. It always helps. ( this can apply to texting and Facebook posts and comments as well.) Do not vent with your words.
Remember the saying, “Silence is golden”. How many of us need to keep our mouths closed at certain times? How many times have you said, “I wish I never said that?”
Learn to pray in that “quick window of time” and ask God to show you if someone is ready to receive what you have to say, or not and if what you are about to say is right or not. He will most definitely guide you if you ask Him.
Remember, “A fools voice is known by his many words” (Ecc.5:3)
We are always learning, always growing as we communicate with others. Communicate well and speak as a woman who carries godly wisdom.