August 21, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.” (1 John 4:16)
I’ve shared countless times about my past insecurities. I love Jesus, but I was once captive to my prison in an unhealthy way because I couldn’t release my worries about myself to anyone nor could I relay them by voice to God.
I’d pray, memorize scripture and engage my faith to the best of my ability but why was the same insecure person there….why?
Back then, I just could not wrap my head around the unfathomable love my Savior has for me. I had to actually say it out loud over and over, “I know you love me Lord” to begin believing it. And you know what?, over time, it worked.  The more I learned of His love the more confident in Him I became. It was not me, it was His love!
Whenever my not-enough attitude emerges, I go back to God and say, “You created me, I am enough in You.” And it works.
Jesus is more than enough for any of us. Some of us need our own pep talks and that’s ok, but truth is truth. God is Truth. He created you to be a masterpiece with great purpose in mind. ( Eph. 2:10) Your insecurities are not His. He looks beyond our faults to see our needs and He meets us there. He faces us with His love. Allow God to deliver you from the bondage of your opinions about yourself or those words of shame that others have placed upon you.
In the sight of God, you are more important than the angels. Is that amazing or what?
Be loving of who God created in you. You are perfect. You are beautiful in His sight. He loves you because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Whatever is embedded in your soul from the past, release it to God and ask Him to cover it in the shadows of the cross.
 Accept yourself and trust God because you accepted and have a Savior, Jesus Christ and YOU belong to Him! He loves you the most.