August 2, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

“Then I heard the Lord asking, “whom shall I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)
Oh, how I love this scripture. It has become a  favorite of mine. I say it often and with intensity, I hold it dear to my heart and I love to speak this scripture to others and share a direction. This scripture always comes to me with joyful inspiration and a peace from within me to “go!” I know it’s the Holy Spirit guiding my heart.
How many times are we finding ourselves asking God to serve us? What a joy it will bring to your heart when you step up and say, “God, here I am, I want to serve you!”
By denying ourselves and selflessly choosing to serve God and bless others with something they didn’t ask for and instead of taking, we give whatever we can to help humankind, then we are saying “yes Lord,  I am your vessel to be used by You.”
 When this happens you are  putting feet on your action, “yes Lord.” You are stepping out in faith to be sent on a mission by God.
It’s the most rewarding and most satisfying blessing to serve our King and see results! Not always do we see the outcome but when we do get to witness them, what a blessing it is indeed! Being used by God will be the greatest reward you will ever experience.
Please venture out to say “yes” and be sent by God and allow Him to use you in some mighty way. In fact be used by Him any way you can be… but… be used by Him! You won’t be sorry and you can watch the world be changed through what He does in and through your life.
Astonishing results happen when you’re in  full surrender to  “YES LORD, USE ME.”