April 7, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your  soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)
The depth of knowing Jesus is to love Him with our hearts, intellectually embracing Him with our minds.
Often times I find myself trying to reason with the things I see happening around me to the things I know and understand to be true from Gods word. I know Moses was in continuous turmoil with the children of Israel continuously badgering Him about what was happening around them and not grasping it all. But what did God say through Moses… “we will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.” (Exodus 24:7)
Woman of God, it’s not bargaining with God when we want our way. It’s saying out loud, “God whatever You command, I am in, I’ll do it.”  We must obey God even if it goes against what others say is right or okay.
We may not understand the whirlwind of our weeks that leave us tossed about, or the upset going on inside our friend’s marriage, or maybe the broken hearts of our children that we can’t fix, but we say “yes” to God and we obey Him anyhow.
Despite the expressions of others around us and what we see with our eyes, let us not take our fixation off Jesus who will direct our steps with purpose. He loves us completely and won’t ever let us fall. His way is the best way. Always!
Love Him with all your might and power and brains despite what the enemy may sway you with through emotions going on in front of you. We are women and dynamics play out when we act upon frustrations of what is happening in front of our faces. When Jesus is your love, your focus, and your frustrations of the day will soon disappear and you will be left with joy and enthusiasm over His great love for you. Try it. Immerse yourself in His love by reading His words to you in scripture and you will soon forget the woes of the world.