Guest writer from York, Pennsylvania: Dr. Jia R Conway -WWL’s Leadership teacher. “This Is How We Fight Our Battles”
“I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.” (Psalm 138:2 ESV)
Ever feel like you get through one storm only to find yourself staring at the next one, and you have not even had a moment to catch your breath?
Ever feel like you just don’t have the energy, the strength, and the wherewithal to move through one more challenge, trial or tribulation?
Ever feel like everything and everyone else is moving at a speed of consistency, but you are now stuck in the twilight zone where nothing in your life is moving as it should, how it should or even normally as it should?
Ever feel like God did not hear you when you asked for a moment just to catch your breath? To breathe? To inhale and exhale? Just to be?
As I reflect over the past 90-days of my life, I don’t even know when the battle started, and I definitely don’t recall having a moment to celebrate the victory of the battle before I had to be suited up for the next one. Yet, what I do remember is stopping, stilling myself and silencing myself to hear God remind me, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life, you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.” (Psalm 138:7 ESV).
Sisters, I want to remind you of this amazing declaration from God to preserve us and deliver us right in the midst of our trials, troubles and tribulations. I want to encourage you to set your focus not on being in the battle, but the posture you have taken to fight the battle. How are you fighting the battle that you feel so poorly prepared for? Sisters, the Word declares that we are to fight bowed down toward the holy temple of God and give thanks!
How do we fight our battles? In WORSHIP, PRAYER AND PRAISE! We are to give thanks even when the storm seems to surround us because God responds to the faith of our fight, our trust in Him in the strength of our soul, and our posture of surety that the Lord will fulfill his purpose for us, and that His steadfast love endures forever!