September 20, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Peace is a universal want for people and a desire for our entire human race. It’s being at peace with those around you without negativity or arguing.
It’s funny, when I’m at odds with someone or want to fight back, my peace is diminished until I release it up to my Father in heaven.
I read somewhere that peace isn’t in the still water of a tranquil lake; it’s in the ability to be “calm and still” despite the turmoil around you. It’s a tough thing to overcome confronting situations, but God is the only One to give us the ability. It’s not by our own strength or power…
Anyone can feel peaceful when nothing is going wrong, but what one really needs is God’s hand on their life, in both the peace and calm as well as in the chaos. And a “must” is having His presence in their heart.
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all who are fixed on you!” ( Isaiah 26:3)
May we begin our day by closing our eyes, drawing ever close to God, and assuring Him we will keep our thoughts fixed on Him throughout today.
God will be there for you through any storm you may face in this day, and He is ready to help you push through whatever your day brings, good or bad.
Look up to the heavens, raise your arms to God, and say, “Hallelujah,  You are there for me, God. Thank you.”
Go in peace today.