September 14, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


If you’ve ever been misjudged before, you know how ugly it feels. The whole business of judging another person should be in God’s hands only. He alone knows the secrets of the inner hearts.

When we are consciously praying for someone standing firmly in the kingdom of God, people are more receptive to listen to what you have to say when you point them lovingly to God. Key word, lovingly. The Bible is clear about casting judgment quickly in any way toward another person without knowing their situation or circumstances.

When we are walking in God’s kingdom, we can live in union together a little easier and show more love instead of quick criticism. Your sisters’ struggle might be a little easier to get through if you could be kind, allowing it to become  your struggle, too. You can show love to her by letting her know she is not alone and God could help her to do better. 

When we send an encouraging text or email or even a card in the mail with selfless love toward another, God loves this. Reaching out to help someone with any storm in a person’s life gives them a reason to pause and possibly listen to you. It is very calming to the recipient to receive help in love, and not a judgemental attitude and know that God can use you in this mighty way if you are willing.

With our persistent prayer over a person and for their situation displays in faith what God can do to bring them out of a situation. 

Changes happen slowly and all to often we stop too short and give up before change occurs. God tells us to pray without ceasing. Pray for everyone He places on your heart. 

God can provide guidance and perspective that we do not have on our own.  We are co-laboring with God if we earnestly pray for a sister in need versus casting judgment or over her or her life, especially if we see her matters going the wrong direction.

“In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets” (Matthew 7:12)

We call it the “Golden Rule!” Keep this tucked away and remember to always look with love and compassion in your heart over judgment of “why.”

Just remember how much we dislike being judged ourselves. Things happen. Remember; love them first and then always pray for them next.

Remember ALWAYS and in everything, please SHOW LOVE in your heart.🙏 ❤️