October 6, 2021

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Oftentimes living with anxiety, depression, fear, and hopelessness can be a way of life for many, my heart breaks as I see and hear about it.
When one comes to know the Lord, they can start living God’s way releasing some of the troublesome burdens. It’s possible to live without negative emotions. God is with you to help you when you call on His name. We can resist the negative emotions by praying, knowing the truth and what God’s Word says about them.
Here are some ways that may help those who are suffering to deal with letting go of these burdens. Release them back to God and feel better, way better about how you move forward.
*Refuse to be anxious
 John 16:33, psalm 94:19
*Refuse to be ruled by anger.
Prov. 29:22  Eph. 4:26-27
*Refuse to be dissatisfied
*Refuse to be envious
James 3:16-17
*Refuse to be depressed
Psalm 119:28
*Refuse to be bitter
Acts 8:23 Hebrews12:15
*Refuse to be hopeless
Prov. 22:5
Negative emotions reveal doubt.  Don’t feel bad about having them, but don’t live with them either. Refuse to allow the ugliness of negative emotions to mar the beauty of the life God has for you. You are beautiful and you are God’s most precious, chosen “one.” You are a beautiful, polished diamond who sparkles and shines. Hold your beauty and wear your worth.