If you’re in a stormy season and feel completely under your circumstances, remember this:
“You stand upon the very word of God, and His promises are backed by the honor of His name.” (Psalm 138: 2)
* Remember in the darkness what He told you in the light. Seek Him until you find Him. (Find a promise for your problem, and with bulldog faith hang on to what God says is true.)
* Refuse lethargy, cynacism and unbelief. (Do not let your faith muscle atrophy. Engage your faith even when it hurts. Dare to trust God even when you don’t feel like it. Guard your heart and mind against negative and unbelieving thoughts.)
* Don’t let your heart close up-stay tender to the things of God. (When you find your spirit closing up to the things of God, get with some godly friends, prayerfully ask God’s forgiveness, and ask them to help you stay teachable and humble.)
* Deal with the issues that are surfacing during this time. (No matter the reason for your storm, no matter if someone else is to blame, God will use this season to refine and purify you. Humble yourself and do the work of sorting through your stuff.)
* Know that in due time, the breakthrough will come. Know this and try saying this each day:
“Any day now, I will see the deliverance of the Lord on my behalf. I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13)
Know that God’s promises are for you and they are truth.