I pray that the Holy Spirit gives you a hunger and thirst of righteousness for prayer, knowing the power of God’s heart, as His intents are made known within your members, giving you firm confidence, that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can think or imagine.
I pray you are brought into the deep place, where roaring deep cries out to roaring deep at the breaking forth of God’s waterspouts, giving you Wisdom from above, as you are kept in the hand of God’s grace, proclaiming the Good News of Christ Jesus and Eternal Life, where many come out of darkness and into God’s marvelous light! In Jesus’ Name!
I pray you are brought into the New Anointing, abiding in God, hidden under the Shadow of The Almighty, as you are brought into the revelation of God’s Holy Word, which is alive, active, and operative in you, stirring up His jealousy, to cause you to proclaim how it is in heaven, seeing it made known on earth! In Jesus’ Name! Amen and Amen!
God bless!
Guest writer:
Robin Kirby Gatto