How many of us and our families are surrounded by difficulties and stress? We must take these burdens we are carrying and lay them down before the cross. Completely and fully.
God tells us to exchange them because His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Have you tried this yet? Our faith needs to remind us that all things are possible with God. We must grasp this verse and fully TRUST Him in surrendering our burdens!
God’s Omnipotence can rearrange your circumstance, inflame your heart and bring you unspeakable joy. I can attest to this happening. I have experienced this in my own life and over time and time again. Despite the struggles that surround my distant family, I would focus my attention on the One who can give me complete VICTORY through any trial. And guess what? He does every time. The power in God’s Word speaks volumes to me every time I ask Him to help me and then go into His Word… I seem to read the right words within my situation every single time!
We are the apple of God’s eye; He won’t leave us longing or hanging for answers when we are content to resolve or need help.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said, “What do you mean “if”? If you are able to believe, ALL things are possible to the believer.”
What a verse of overcoming doubt, knowing God can help you with anything; no burden is too heavy. Give Him your difficulties, lay them before Him, and TRUST with your heart.