May 27, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

There is no generation that has seen as much voluntary absence in a Father figure or parent as today’s generation. I’ve read that 25 million children are growing up in single-parent homes.
If you talk to people raised in a single-family home without a dad, you may hear what I hear; these people, whether young or old need compassion and encouragement to understand that they have a Father in heaven who loves them.
God has a heart of understanding and we can point others to His love by simply praying with them or for them. Because God is our Father, we don’t need many words, especially if the one whose hurting has never prayed before. Offer to pray for another who might be hurting from the loss of parenting growing up.
A great verse to hold close to these types of situations is Romans 8:16.
“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.”
We are all united in the family of God if we choose to be. If you know someone who hurts from lack of having a father or a mother to guide them, please don’t ignore their hurts and pray for them. Ask God to use you in their life to point them to the truth. Be aware of who they are. God will use you.
Just pray and remember there are so many hurting in our world from broken families.  God is moved by our prayers. Please pray for these children wherever they may be and ask God that you may be part of a movement in their life, pointing them to a loving Father.
Share with them the Lord’s prayer which begins, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” (Matthew 6:5-13) you really do have so much help you can offer in the form of love.