May 26, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

As I was reading my Bible this morning, something stood out to me I should share. It was powerful and moving in my life. I read 2 Samuel about how King David rose to power,  experienced terrible disgrace of sin, and yet found God’s amazing grace once more.
 God’s continual grace in my own life is received with a grateful heart daily as I worship Him. His grace IS greater than ALL my sin!
I thought of my own past of being married, raising a family in a Christian home, and falling into sin. Oh, the POWER of God’s forgiveness.
The shame of guilt and regret from mistakes I wish I could re-do are washed clean with a repentant heart before God and I thank Him over and over for it.
What does it mean to love God with all your heart? Confess the issues of your heart and get them right before God then turn from your wrong and serve Him with a whole, clean heart. All of it. How can you serve Him if there is sin in your camp? We want to show how much we love and appreciate the God Who gives us such amazing grace but often times we take for granted what He displays to us over and over. Our lives don’t show the confessed, surrendered hearts, but they should.  We can’t serve Him in obedience if we are living with un-confessed sin in our lives.
BUT, the grace of God loves us despite our misguided ways and choices we make each day that may not always be the best ones.
If we want to have an effective prayer life and ministry life, dear sister, we must look to the core and get right with God. Pray to our Father and ask Him to give you the ability to discern His will for your life.
Humbly and transparently, come before God with your convictions and issues of disgrace and He will forgive you of any wrong-doing if you have a heart of repentance.
 He loves you unconditionally.
 Please carry His love without shame or guilt and understand His amazing LOVE as a Father.