I love meeting friends. People I barely know begin telling me their problems and open up like I’m their bestest friend in the world. Why? I believe it’s because I’m expecting it….I’m expecting the “favor of God” to drive attention in my direction so that I may help others see something unique and different in a person with love infused.
Are you expecting God’s favor?
Hearts are hungry for God at this time and some love in our world and hurting women are surrounding each of us, desperately looking for someone who will introduce them to LOVE. We, as a Woman World Leader, have God’s love! We have their answers. Be confident with this. People need hope.
God is bringing women toward you, and you must be willing to share your experiences with any of them who ask or show need!
Ladies, if we are connected to God’s desire and wish to draw people to Him, opportunities will present themselves, and it won’t be just a mere coincidence that they are drawn to you, too! God knows who is willing to serve and help in these times. It takes COURAGE to walk this out.
Just ask God to use you as a vessel and He will; you will be His vessel. Allow convictions and compassion to drive you to be the best example of a Christ follower you can be.
Ask God to create a burning desire within yourself to be a “light” to draw people toward your radiant beam☀️, Jesus~the light of the world. If you know Him and He’s alive inside your heart, you have “His light.” You will shine with radiance and draw others to you, and God will use you to be His biggest blessing to another in need.