May 18, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

God is for you! He is your fierce protector and faithful provider.  He is the answer to every question you have and He holds every answer you need.
No matter how you may feel about facing a problem, despite opposition Jesus has already given you victory.
The longer I live and the closer I get to God, I see His face and experience Him in every area of my life. I can’t have it any other way.
I long for everyone to run after God, seek Him with all their heart, and know that He will protect them, provide for them and nourish them through His Word.
There is one thing I’ve learned, I had to give myself permission to experience Him, regardless of what I am facing, and some of the things are tough.
God created you to experience Him in every part of your life. Believe He is for you. Don’t allow doubt to overtake you.
“Great and vast is His dominion. He will bring immeasurable peace and prosperity…” (Isaiah 9:7)
The Omnipotent God who created heaven and earth CARES FOR YOU! Let us give Him entry to all of our heart issues.