March 31, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Not all fear is bad. But the fear that overcomes us and traps us is.
Good healthy fear will help us to do positive, healthy things, but harboring fear or entertaining it, allows it to grow in us. It then becomes a problem if we allow the fear to overtake us, control us, or paralyze us.
Is there something you are fearing right now today? You may not even realize you are holding on to something, trying to control it because you feel no one or nothing else can. It may be fear over you yourself, someone else, some one thing or even a situation…
“For God did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but a spirit of POWER, of love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7.
God wants us to trust Him enough to take steps of faith in the face of our fear.
“The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” (Ex.14:13) Remember this verse; PLEASE re-read it!
I am learning this; God will fight my battles for me. I don’t have to. I can save myself so much worry and pain. Why should I fear? I gave Him control of my entire life, or did I?
Yes, I did!!!
Surrendering is relinquishing your control over to God. Have you done this completely, given Him your fear? If yes, then allow Him to fight your battles along with those fears that are prisoner within you.
Release control to God. Allow Him to put your fear in the “pit” where it belongs!