March 22, 2021

by Kimberly Hobbs 

How many times do we wonder is God really there? Is He hearing my prayers? Am I communicating effectively what I need?
“The Lord God is with you, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” ( Zephaniah 3:17)
God is with you and you can take great joy in knowing He is. You always have an open line of communication with Him, whether you pray long or short prayers, He hears them all.
Thank Him for His salvation and continuing forgiveness.  He takes such great delight in you sweet friend. “He rejoices over you with singing.” I would say that our Father is proud of His children.  Let’s thank Him for His delight in us.
As He quiets us with His love,  know there is tremendous peace in that sentence. In good times and bad, He will comfort your pain.
Thank God again and again for the relationship you have with Him. Even when we don’t deserve it, His loving arms as the Father who loves us most and forgives us when we ask, is waiting to embrace us wherever we are. Always.