A mother/child relationship is the most sensitive and tender of relationships. We as women are particularly vulnerable to deception within this circle of influence we have, in many ways.
We must understand Satan has a vast arsenal of lies to deceive us as moms who are having children and or have children.
The enemy will use lies and promote lies to keep us in bondage whether we have kids or are anticipating having them. If we are not careful to break this, these lies can be past down for generations. Think of some lies your family of the past has held on to???
Has it crippled your family with grief? I know it has mine.
The bible teaches us that
Children are a blessing from God.
Gen 1:28
Children are a heritage from the Lord, God’s gift to us.
Psalm 127:3
Children give purpose, meaning, and joy to our lives. Prov 23:24
Children come from the Lord…
Hebrews 2:13
God expects us to raise children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Genesis 18:19 and Eph. 6:4
We need to choose to allow God to be Lord in the area of our children, whatever age we are and whatever age they are.
God gives word about our children. We are to pray with Godly wisdom over them. Pray for discernment and for their desire to honor the Lord.
Pray against deceit, frustration, and lack of wisdom in all their areas of life as they continue growing to a ripe old age.
Prayer is vital to refuting lies from the enemy that pour into you and also infiltrate your child’s minds on a day-to-day basis.
Break all generational curses with TRUTH. Stand on it strong. God’s Word is Truth! Lift the weight of the task from your weary shoulders and be reminded of what you know to be true. It’s God’s Word! It stands. I speak truth every single day to combat lies in my head the enemy tries to speak.
God changes the hearts of children through the truth of the gospel. Young and old, He will hear your prayer of help when you desperately need it.