June 29, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Sometimes, I sit outside on a fresh and beautiful day, and I just marvel at God’s creation and how much He loves little ole me to allow me to enjoy His beauty all around me. I can barely take it in.

It reminds me of an old song I heard on my grandmother’s television when she’d watch the Billy Graham Crusade. It was by George Beverly Shea. 

The hymn starts out with something we all can relate to. The writer used nature, one of the most incomprehensible things in life that we will always wonder about. The simplicity of each sunrise, the sunset, the seasons, and all the marvelous features of the space that we enjoy from day to day as a reason to revel, to awe, and to wonder.

But then he transitions at the end of the stanza and declares, “But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul, is the wonder that God loves me!”

Have you ever wondered at how much God loves you? I have. I even cry sometimes because I’m so undeserving.

All our thoughts and imaginations will not alter in the least any part of the plan of redemption devised from all eternity…

John 3:16 says God so loved the world that he determined to give a gift beyond all we could imagine and make manifest how immeasurable was his love for us. 

“God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

The gift of God would be a wonder to all worlds, to all created intelligences, even little ole me, ever enlarging their ideas of what God’s love was in its infinity and greatness. I marvel at it constantly.

Because of His love, He gave the freedom to accept it and enjoy eternity. Can you imagine that one day you will walk into eternity that never ends and enjoy the wonder of it all? I can only imagine! But that’s another song!