June 28, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

We all have an earthly father and some of us have had to deal with the sad truth that we could not enjoy the love of a living earthly father figure.
Some hurt knowing they’ve missed out on this fact and some simply don’t know what it’s like to have an earthly father and have never missed one. You will never really understand your true identity unless you can settle this in your heart, that you are a daughter of God and that He is and always and will always be your Father.
The Bible says, “To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)
Those of us who have enjoyed the love of an earthly Dad, we can rejoice that we have two fathers if we’ve accepted Jesus Christ through faith!
Once you come to know God as your Father, you will take on His resemblance.
Although I lost my Dad when I was a teen, I have many photos of us together and people tell me when they look at the pictures that I resemble my dad. That warms my heart because my earthly Dad was a loving example inside my life and a very kind man. He cared for his 4 children and always showed us love.
Now as a child of God, I often look to resemble my heavenly Father in ways that would make both of us happy. He is my Father who is alive and continuously loving me and guiding me, and I can look for ways that I can show others I am His and I resemble Him.
Do my eyes show love and compassion like my Heavenly Father’s do? I pray they do.
Do my hands and feet take on the burdens of those around me to help and show actions of kindness in their life like my Heavenly Father would do? I pray so.
Does my mouth speak encouragement and scriptural Words of Truth into the lives of others? I pray that it does.
Does my outward appearance resemble someone approachable to a person in need? I pray it does.
The fact that you could belong to your Heavenly Father and show the world that you are His daughter is a privilege.
 Although God loves you regardless of what you do as an outward showing, I pray your inner heart reflects your true love for Him. The intent of your heart is what your Father see’s every second of your life.