July 31, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

What is troubling your heart today? I pray the words of Jesus will be your comfort and guide to get you through today’s problems and also tomorrow’s.  Whatever you are facing right now, there is a solution.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. ” (John 14:1)
Jesus ministers to us just as He did with His disciples through the scriptures.
The disciples would ask Jesus constantly about their worries and concerns. Jesus understands the lifetime of hiding the mess we’ve covered. Our moments of heartbreak, shame, and regrets we have, we tuck deep away. Nothing has changed since the times of the past when the disciples walked with Jesus. They had concerns. They had them covered until they brought them to Jesus.
Jesus says, “don’t let your hearts be troubled.” Why? Because He is telling us to TRUST HIM!
Trusting is a lot to ask of a person we can not see but that is where faith in God’s Words comes in.
God gives us His Word so we can problem solve through our life. It points us to Jesus who says, ” I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” ( John 4:6)
God tells us this scripture for a reason. All of our answers to exist outside of our problems are in Jesus. He shows us the way, the truth, and the life because He is ALL that!
Do not be troubled over today’s problem dear sister because Jesus’ words are here to reassure your heart. Please read His Words over and over if you are troubled today. Find peace.