Guest writer: Donna Clare, Teacher, WWL, lives in the United Kingdom.
Whose voice are you listening to?
Are you listening to God’s voice, the enemy’s lies, or other people’s opinions and thoughts, maybe it’s the news, social media…? We are all listening to something.
Words have power so we need to make certain that we are listening to the right voices, voices that lift us and encourage and build us up. Not voices that tear us down, point out every fault, or those that make us feel “not good enough” or “condemn” us. This is not God’s way.
We need to watch our words and not allow the wrong words entrance to our thoughts. Especially those that don’t belong to us.
Personally, I struggled in this area. I needed to change my pattern since I spent much of my life feeling “not good enough.” I chose to take on other people’s thoughts and opinions of me. I clearly wasn’t listening to God’s voice.
God created me, He created you. He knows us even better than we know ourselves.
Psalm 139:14 declares that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Numerous voices grapple for our attention and especially now with social media. We need to learn to drown out the wrong voices and listen to the One who has our best choices in mind! The One who speaks and breathes life into us. Our Father in heaven.
People can put labels on us, or we can do it to ourselves too! “I’ll never be like that, I can’t do that” etc! No! I hear God saying:
“Take the labels off!” Those negative words are not what I say about you. I created you, I know every detail about your life.
(Psalm 139)
You are who I say you are – you are a Daughter of the King, you are My child and I love you.
I lavish My love upon you (1 John 3:1) you belong to me and I have every good and perfect gift for you (James 1:17). You can do ALL things through Christ (Philippians 4:13).
Take off the labels and put on My armour that equips you for every day and supplies you with all you need to succeed. Stop looking to others and look to Me. Do not let what others have said or have done to you, stop you from walking in the destiny I have created for you. I have a special purpose just for you. I have plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11-14).
You will not fail with me because I know what you need and at the right time I will provide.
I hear God say, “Dig deep into My Word, spend time in My presence so I can shower My love upon you and show you what you need to know.”
You won’t see or know everything because that’s where faith comes in – take those steps and don’t let fear or what others have said or have done stop the call on your life. God calls you His precious beautiful daughter. He created you for such a time as this. Stand firm on the truth of His Word and start taking off the labels that others have put on you. Walk in the truth of Whose you are because you are His and He won’t ever leave you or forsake you. You can trust God!
Step out in faith (Hebrews 11:1) walk in your destiny! Don’t allow fear to stop you.
Take off labels and put on your God-given identity as a royal daughter walking in freedom. Please know how precious and beautiful you are! You are a world changer, a gift to this world! Be uniquely you, the way God created you, and shine brightly as He created you this way, His beloved daughter.