July 24, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Hebrews 6:12 says, “So that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who, through faith and patience inherit the promises.”

Some say that this verse is a reminder to demonstrate diligence and hope and to persevere with faith. While some of us get afraid when it comes to serving our Lord. It may also be a reference to the importance of patience if you feel God has called you to something. 

This scripture in Hebrews can keep you going when you haven’t yet seen a promise come to pass; when you feel weak or even fearful in your walk with Jesus because you haven’t seen results. Do you know you are the exact person God is looking for to bring others to Him and bring glory to His name? God loves you!

How many times do we feel that we don’t belong somewhere where we are placed? We ask God why He brought us here, and we often get afraid when nothing is happening. But once we take the first steps of obedience towards results, we can understand that God will bring those results eventually, in His time.

When God puts us in situations, it’s often never about our own ability but God’s power to do something miraculous in our lives. With our dependence on Him, God gets all the glory for it.

Remember, God is always at work within you. Nothing should take the place of preparation. We must work for results. God doesn’t want us to be lazy about things, but we can rest assured that we are in His hands, and that should give us confidence. God is always molding us, maturing us and preparing us for what He brings us to.

Remember what God said to Moses? “I, even I, will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to say.”  

God will fill you with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to do the task He calls you to do. Get excited because God wants to use you today. Go out and step forward in faith and be ready to be used by God. You’re exactly who He needs! Remember this. ❤️