Even when we aren’t aware of it, we can be assured God is overseeing our lives. He is directing us day by day and every step we take.
“A person may plan his own journey, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
Often, God might use pain to guide us and turn us in a new direction. I know of a very strong man of God who once said something like this: God whispers in our pleasures but shouts to us in our pain.
It doesn’t matter what kind of pain you or I experience; the pain never leaves us alone where it finds us.
No matter how extreme the pain is in our lives, we have to believe that God can use it to point us toward our purpose.
God used pain in my life! He used it in my past to begin Women World Leaders. He then used more pain that came at me unannounced while and during the building of this ministry. That pain is still ongoing. God used more pain in a life-changing trial in 2023 to move me and my husband across the country. And then, just recently, God has been using the pain of my latest accident in Dec. 2024 to flood me with so much to write about. It’s all about Jesus and how He moved in the midst, even though I’m still in pain as I’m writing this morning. He speaks, He speaks, He speaks to our purpose despite our pain!
King David expressed gratitude for His pain. “My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.” ( Psalm 119:71)
“God teaches people through suffering and uses distress to open their eyes.” ( Job 36:15)
Many of us don’t spend “enough” quality time reading God’s Word. Even though God doesn’t “punish us” and push bad things upon us, when “things” in life happen, a place He could teach us is in our pain.
I know with me recently in my December accident, it’s caused me to think so much about life and death and be available to write about the goodness of God. My life could have been “me, no longer alive” on this earth…but God! He chose in that instant, that split second of impact…to let me live.
I have reflected so very much about the moments between life and death as if lately. They are within a flash apart, so much so that we can’t even see or grasp it as such. But it’s up to God what He chooses in that moment of a flash of a second.
God oversees all of us! And He is continuously directing us as He watches in control. Thank Him for all the ways He directs you and provides for you, even when you are unaware and even in your pain of whatever that may be. ❤️