Women World Leaders’ word of the year~ “HOPE.”
Everyone needs hope in their lives. It’s in our visual front windshield and presenting more “praying times” for all of us. We all need more time with our Father. We are incorporating this word into some of the opportunities to serve…like writing more books this year with Women World Leaders, and faith tells us that prayer, praise, and the Word of God will continue to deliver HOPE to our world! We are reaching the world for Jesus Christ, and it is exhilarating. You are here; you can be a helpful part. We need you.
God will use YOU to deliver this word to the world if you are willing and will provide the useful vessel YOU.
I believe this word hope brings joy to others. May we all trust God for the eternal hope He provides to all of us.
When you are struggling, doubtful, or fearful in different ways, when you are tired and worn out thinking you just can’t start over again, think about what a glimmer of hope would do for you, right?
Maybe your foundation has crumbled, maybe you lost something, maybe your health has taken a severe turn, maybe a family member has hurt you… whatever your situation is, don’t ever underestimate the power of one word, HOPE! Our only hope comes through Jesus and the truth of His word.
Please pull out all the stops and make hope filled with praise your first response in the fearful situations in life. Encourage others with hope. God provides faith, hope, and love for you! You’ll see things start to shift in your vision for the future if you grasp the word hope through Jesus Christ and His love.
Together we are ready to start another book with some authors, with best-selling authors and even brand-new writers wanting to come on board. You all have a place. Are you ready to be a part of this one? Yes, it’s hard work, and yes, it’s challenging to surrender your time and commitment for almost a years time project, but sharing your story might deliver the hope someone else is waiting for.
God will see to it! Trust Him. Get the vision of helping others who have no hope and don’t let go. This book is sure to bring an awakening of something spectacular that this world needs!
Each book we do is a massive mission project and an even larger commitment because we leave it in God’s hands as He takes us on a journey. He has never let us down ever! We step out in faith to accomplish each mission together, and His presence is with us at each step of the journey.
If God has provided hope that has led to healing in some aspect of your life, then you hold a story or testimony that the world needs to hear. Please prayerfully consider sharing in the new book “Hope Alive.”
God has your tower. Will you help others gather hope and build theirs?
Debilitated to Exhilarated.