February 18, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

It doesn’t matter how long we walk with God, He always has new things for us to learn.
It could be new dimensions of what we already know, or it can be something we have never seen before. Either way, it’s not enough to just learn the truth; we must act on it.
“Be doers of the Word and not hearers only,  deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away and immediately forgets what kind of a man he was” (James 1:22-24.)
If you’re like me, this verse is so pertinent.  Sometimes I have to really stop and remember what I just read or heard 5 minutes ago because I get distracted and forget about it. If I just read or hear it and release it, where will the benefits come in? I need to ponder it and put it into action.
If we don’t do what God’s Word tells us, we not only forget it, but we also forget who we are in the process. Ask God to help you as you read His Word. Ask Him before you even start to read. He will engage your heart and mind…its as simple as, “Lord, what do You have for me to learn  today?” Then open His Word.
It’s important to “ask” God to speak to you each time you read because He hears you verbalize your need of Him. Asking for His direction aligns you with the Holy Spirit within you. You will also be aware of how God will then direct you when you specifically pray, asking Him to help you take action. He wants to fulfill your needs.
Ask Him after you finish reading or hearing the Word, “Lord, What action should I take on this?” God will answer you according to His will. Understand, He hears EVERYTHING you ask of Him.
All scripture is given to teach us, convict us, enrich us, heal us, warn us, and expose our hearts. But WE have to ACT on it.