What are you standing on?
This is not a trick question but one that if you are asked, how would you answer?
When God unveils His truth to us and releases revelation, it becomes a foundation for us to stand on. His Word in the Bible is known as a firm foundation. It becomes a catalyst for breakthroughs and gives us sure footing against any winds of the storm that blow against us.
Have you heard the line from this hymn, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand?”
All other ground IS sinking sand! We best be sure we are standing on the Word of God for our foundation. It’s alive. It’s truth and power that can not be shaken. It can not be moved because the roots of Truth run so deep into the ground they are planted in, they are impossible to budge. That is some serious ground and add in some sure footing, like anchors which we all need.
We need to seek to plant our feet on solid grounds of Truth in every situation of life we encounter. Our homelife, our family life, our businesses, and our lives within ministry.
“They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit. (Jeremiah 17:8)
Fill yourself so full with the Word of God that the weight of His Truth sinks so deeply into your feet. Let them be planted with roots extending so far into the ground that nothing earth-shattering can budge them. The promises of God are sealed in those roots planted so richly in the ground. His Word becomes tangible hope that will define all circumstances- giving you stability forever!
Know where you are standing and what you are standing ON.