Many of our precious women have fallen under attack and some deal with challenges brought on by things beyond their control. There is hope in the midst of any pain sweet woman of God!
God invites you to hold nothing back, not even your raw emotions. He sees every tear, so cry it out! He holds them and they do not go to waste. He knows your tears well as His Son cried them so hard they were drops of blood.
I came across this verse in my reading this morning. I wrote it in one of my past books, Tears to Triumph.
“Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him.” (Lamentations 2:19)
I can attest to doing this verse last week as I faced 3 results of a hurting body, 3 MRI’S, and walking through the valley of the shadow of death. I tried my hardest not to fear. I trusted God for each step I took and cried tears to Him. He saw them all.
The promises God made to Jeremiah, He makes to you to me, and to those He loves and all of us who walk by blind faith to the unknown. Just as Jesus did.
As you pour out your pain to God, and as you’re surrounded with hardship, as your heart is pierced, as you’re hurt by someone’s bitterness, or as you sometimes feel your prayers are unheard…in your toughest hour – cry out to God! His compassion for us never fails. He captures our tears and the freshness of life behind them comes. He NEVER FAILS!!!
There is hope to be found in the midst of your pain. The darkness will break. The heartbreak will subside, the uncertainty will pass with God’s intervention and your grief will no longer be prevalent. God is our everything!
It’s not easy. I’m feeling pain along with some of you having walked through the toughest nightmare of facing death in my path. I carry a heavy load sometimes but God lightens it. Each day as my eyes look toward the heavens and I see His glory shining on me, I thank Him and praise Him for what I DO have! The JOY of my salvation and the eternal HOPE that no one can ever steal from me.
I am His and He is mine …
You are His and He loves you more than anything in this world!
Bring yourself closer to your Savior. Only He has our answers. Remember, the Lord is good to us who seek Him, hope in Him and quietly wait for Him.