As we approach Christmas and all the festivities that accompany this time of year, true Christian commitment to truth means to love and support.
True hospitality is a lost art in our culture today and bringing the spiritual portion to light leaves much to be desired.
Could we pray and commit that we will be more hospitable these next days and show our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and those who don’t know Jesus, what it looks like to faithfully demonstrate Christ’s love? I pray we can. Pray over your times of visiting together before your guests arrive or you arrive to see them.
When it comes to the gospel, please, let’s minister this year with full, generous support… the best God has equipped us with.
Please put aside all pride, gossip, slander, malice, and obstruction as there are many family gatherings that play right into these damaging evils. Call out those who do these things and demonstrate true love in its place, not pride or arrogance, just pure love.
True Christian commitment to truth means a commitment to love and support especially in this Christmas season. Let’s set a beautiful example of leadership in a loving action of who we are in Christ this season.
“Don’t imitate what is evil, as John wrote, but imitate that which is good”. (3 John 1:11)
Let us display not just being good, but “godly good” this Christmas season and always. We are praying for you this Christmas season because it’s not always easy.