by Kimberly Hobbs

August 5, 2021

August 5, 2021 | Uncategorized

With all of the social media postings, we see these days, our minds are sure filled with everyone’s highs and lows and opinions. One thing we don’t need to do is to look at “other women” and long for their lives or develop jealousy or envy over their “callings” when they do something that is helpful or good for others.
 You have a calling on your own life and let me be the first to say, it’s beautiful.  God makes no mistakes.
Look to God for your circumstances and what you can do in them and you’ll find Him there.
You don’t need to be captivated by your fears. You are a child of the Most-High Father.
Ladies, nothing can deter you from your own calling! The calling God placed on your life from His creation of you, is yours. (Jeremiah 1:5)
 Stop looking at the person you’re comparing yourself to, wherever you found her. She is not you! Maybe she isn’t even real. (???) Stop looking at your past sins or mistakes, and obstacles you are facing right now. Leave them at the foot of the cross!
The only thing that will keep you in bondage to your mundane or less-than-life, is UNBELIEF! Rise above it!!!
You must trust Jesus and move forward by faith. Stop comparing yourself to what you see from others on social media these days and wishing you were them.
You have one life to live. Facedown your fears and embrace the God-confidence He gives you! You are a princess of the King! Live the significant life you were made for.
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart”…
(Jeremiah 1:5)
Watch this video for more encouragement:
About the author, Kimberly Hobbs


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