Creating and growing without limits becomes easier to do when someone believes in your abilities. It certainly feels good when your opinions are affirmed and people think what you say is worthwhile. Validation by someone is a way a person can feel good about themselves.
Doesn’t it lift your spirits when you are acknowledged in a special way or a great way by a friend? How can we pass this encouragement on to someone else and validate them?
Become a people person and draw others in with your kindness towards them. Develop honesty, vulnerability, and openness with them about yourself. Then pull them gently in with love and express beautiful characteristics about them.
Be the example. Become a person who is extremely approachable. As you become more open-spirited, people will naturally want to be with you, around you, or be involved in what you’re passionate about.
Make it your goal to find something good in everyone you meet. As they know you better and you validate them, be sure to tell the person what you have seen in them that allows you to share and state such great qualities they have. This is something that allows our sisterhood to come together for a common cause and bond. It creates unity, trust, and service together.
Keep in mind, that people will help support what they can help create. If they see you using them to help you and you’ve validated them, their confidence grows. When they have knowledge that someone approves of them, it builds their confidence to do more and more. Even better, self-confidence of who they are in Christ and who He created them to be will help them create and grow without limits.