August 19, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Guest Writer: Lisa Morrison – Portland Maine
Honey from the Rock
“But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock, I would satisfy you.” (Psalm 81:16)
I’ve been meditating on this passage where the poet and musician King David advised his people that if they would serve the Lord, they would be rewarded by being fed “honey from the rock,” the place where according to the legend of that time, the sweetest nectar was produced.
What does this mean for us who are followers of Christ? Even in life’s hardest moments, we can still experience goodness because our hope is in Jesus.
If God’s people will seek Him first, then they will experience His goodness. (Matthew 6:33) They will experience His blessings. They will experience His provision. They will experience His protection. They will experience all He has to offer. They will be fed with the sweetest of nectars.
Even in the midst of our brokenness and heartache, God is still God. His character never changes. He is always good. ALWAYS!
He provides manna in our wilderness.
He provides the finest of wheat in our dryness.
He provides honey in our hard times.
He provides life in the midst of what may seem like death.
He provides hope in the midst of our despair.
How do I know? Because for the past 4 years, a dear sister in the Lord and I have written 3 blessings of our day to each other every single night. Even in the midst of our wildernesses, dryness, hard times, what feels like death sometimes, and times of despair we have always been able to send at least 3 blessings God has provided throughout our day. (Oh, and did I mention that my friend has had stage 4 cancer this whole time, and I have moved multiple times, lost my mother unexpectedly, and said goodbye to my daughter as she moved to South Africa another continent away?)
Dear beloved sisters in the Lord, may you seek our precious Jesus first and foremost in your life, and taste the sweet honey He provides from the rock. It is available to each one of us. May we taste and see that the Lord is oh so good. (Ps 34:8)