Guard Your Heart
We all have thoughts that poison us, they pollute our thinking and have effects on our lives. We make a choice to hold those thoughts or release them as soon as they enter our minds.
We need to be more tenacious about guarding our hearts against every thought that weakens us.
God wants full involvement in your life. When you allow Him to inhabit your daily mind you become more like Him. Watch this happen as you step out and trust Him. Allow Him to be your shield of protection…
Can God transform your thinking? He absolutely can!
Ask Him to give you a tangible life-changing miracle that can give you the most incredible thoughts about Him. He’ll do it.
Trust God to pour out His love for you. He can give you such wonderful things to think on. He can give you passion inside your heart to counter every negative thought that comes at you during the day. He can protect you from evil.
Ask God by stepping out in faith and telling Him the concerns of your heart today.
Wait in your full faith miracle and believe it’s coming and see your mental attitude of thinking turn around for the better.
Get the poison out once and for all by handing every thought that’s not of God, over to Him for cleansing. Do this immediately. Ask Him to forgive your bad thoughts and help you think on the good things, the Words of His Truths. Pursue mental healing with your Savior and begin there.
He is waiting for you right where you are today.