April 29, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


God often brings good things from the bad situations we go through in life, and He will use healthy people to make impressions that will help guide us. 

I have heard countless stories from women who share about being in the hospital for something horrible, and God brings divine appointments to them or their loved ones.  He often uses people who are in life’s way to bring about beautiful encouragement to others. It’s remarkable.

“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Some people will never hear a gospel message until tragedy hits! When it does, there is many a tendency for ears to open and hear us. The way we might talk about Jesus can bring tremendous hope to a person in need. Sometimes, it is an angel that will never be encountered again, but… when God calls an angel to work, He provides all the wisdom needed in that particular situation. 

We can all learn amazing things from people we don’t know.  Can you imagine what someone can learn from you if you are willing to open up in a time of their need?

May you be that person you’d like to have lavished upon you in a time of desperation. ❤️