“You can’t whisper one thing in private and preach the opposite in public; the day’s coming when those whispers will be repeated all over town.”
(Luke 12:3)
We all have choices to make and whether we like it or not our “private choices” eventually bear “public fruit,” and sometimes this is not a pretty picture.
As in my own personal life, my choices made in the past resulted in consequential fruit that must still be dealt with in my fully surrendered life to Christ. Do I have regrets from my past? Yes, of course I do. I will be the first to admit that when things arise from my past life before Christ, it is not at all easy to deal with and often times the sorrow and hurtful reminders that surface bring pain again. Even though I lead a surrendered life to Christ the consequences though painful to deal with, are used by the enemy who loves to throw it back in my face. I’m sure I’m not the only one who deals with this.
There is good news for us! We can all thank God that He works ALL things together for good to those who are called according to His purpose… Roman’s 8:28 (He re-writes our past wrong choices)
Please think about the things you prioritize inside of a day. You can look at “things or choices” like seeds that we plant in the ground. In time they will surface and bear fruit in our lives, some good, some bad and otherwise.
Our choices do matter to God, don’t ever think for a moment He doesn’t see the choices you make, He does. And He absolutely longs for you to choose wisely.
The “life giving” choices you should be making, can become an eternal investment when offered with a heart of faith to God. We don’t always know the “choices” to make, but if you spend time daily with God, study His word, worship and pray, humble yourselves cautiously, and love others above yourself…most likely you will make choices backed by faith.
When you have these types of bases covered, God will be covering you!
A good read is Gal. 6:7-10
Let’s not harvest a crop of weeds by planting wrong choices in our life, let’s harvest a “rewarding crop”, a community of faith with women believers making wise choices, who become leaders for Jesus!