Once crippled by a spirit of fear, Dr. Dana Cameron shares her story of what hindered her from walking into her God-given calling over her life. By overcoming what the enemy tried to immobilize her with, FEAR, Dr. Dana, Senior Pastor and life and business coach, now empowers you with what helped her. May scripture and prayer within this podcast help you to move beyond your limitations into a life of purpose. ****** Kimberly Hobbs Welcome to Empowering Lives with Purpose. And I’m your host, Kimberly Hobbs. I am the founder of Women World Leaders. And it’s my privilege today to welcome you to this podcast and also our guest today, which is Dr. Dana Cameron from Suffolk Virginia. Welcome, Dana, Dr. Dana How are you?
Kimberly Hobbs We are great, we are great. And we’re just happy that you are here. And ladies, we are going to be talking about the spirit of fear today. So you are in for an awesome podcast. And it’s our desire ladies that by sharing these personal stories of women who have walked through these different adversities in their life, that it will encourage you and empower you and strengthen you in your walk with the Lord. We all face things and when we can come together and just unite together and know that we can overcome the enemy. Oh my goodness, it is with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is just the best feeling just to group together and just share, share these stories. So ladies, this is for you. Scripture verse I love to share is they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. And by the words of their testimony, that’s a revelation 12 812 11 I’m sorry. So ladies, again, we are hoping that you will just join in feel at home and be blessed. As Dr. Dana shares a little bit about her story. Let me tell you a little bit about our guest, Dr. Dana, and she is just an amazing woman of God. I’ve known her for several years. She is a Christian visionary leader who is passionate about empowering others to positive change. She’s married with children and grandchildren, and she’s the senior pastor of the life changing ministry in Suffolk, Virginia. She’s also a radio host of the five minute word of empowerment, and praise the ultimate experience 92.5 FM. Dr. Dana is the CEO of Dr. Dana coaching, which she started to help business minded individuals overcome fears, launch their businesses and create financial wealth. Dr. Dana and her team provide business coaching as well as facilitating conferences, seminars and workshops. This woman is a busy woman of God. And today is Dr. Dana coaches, other people about something she is passionate about. Because this woman is passionate about overcoming fears. There are so many different kinds of fears that we face in life, right on a day to day basis. And so she was moved, we were both moved to say let’s talk about this very topic that just seems to prison, so many of our precious women. So God did not give us a spirit of fear. He didn’t. We all battle fear at moments in our lives. But when fear immobilizes you ladies, God’s word tells us don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail you nor abandon you. And that’s Deuteronomy 31, eight. So ladies, God never leaves us and we can hold on to that truth. So whenever we’re fearful, we look to the Lord right away and cast down those fears. Dana, you never wanted to do ministry because of limitations in your life. Fear was a mobilizing new and you told me that the spirit of fear came over you and the closer you came to your calling God had a calling on your life and you knew that. So the more that you came closer to that calling to figure it out, like God, what do you want? Me too? Do that fear began to creep up inside of you. Can you share about that in your personal story?
Dr. Dana Yes, yes. Thank you so much, Kimberly. I want everyone to know that when I began to face fear, I noticed that it came when the Lord had began to call me into ministry, and I had to step out of something called my comfort zone. I felt that when when he called me out of ministry I was a person Like anyone else in the church, I was a musician. I enjoyed playing music. I was comfortable playing music. I didn’t want to move from that position. And then I heard Kimberly, the voice of the Lord began to move me and call me into a greater calling. And as he began to do that, I begin to feel this feeling. And I just was like, Oh, God, I don’t know why me. Are you sure you’re calling me? Are you sure that this is what you want me to do? You know, almost had like a Moses moment.
Kimberly Hobbs Of course.
Dr. Dana I can relate me out of all the people you want meat? What is so great about me? What about my neighbor? God, can you choose somebody else? I didn’t want to do that many people are in things that they rejected, they don’t want to do. And that’s what ended up happening for me. God began to call me in the ministry. I was surrounded sister Kim live with a bunch of Prophets, people begin to prophesy to me about God taking me to another level. And I was so comfortable in where I was, because of fear. I didn’t quite know what it was initially. But then I begin to feel that feeling. I said, What is this and and that’s when I begin to know that I’m battling with fear. Fear that’s causing me that’s blocking me. It’s fear that prompting me it’s fear that is, and I believe you said something in prison in me. Yes. immobilizing. You? Yes. And mobilizing me, and just stopping me from getting to that next level. And so then I had to realize that me and fear gonna have to wrestle. And so that’s what ended up happening. I had to wrestle with something. And that was called. Wow.
Kimberly Hobbs And that’s what I was just going to ask you, you know, to share with the lady. So, how did you know that fear was crippling you, you You began, or you’ve been in fearful places before we talked about that. And so why was this different, and maybe identify for all of us the type of fear it was.
Dr. Dana I believe, for me personally, first of all, I want to say that fear does have a feeling to it. Just like happiness has a feeling to it, there’s a feeling of fear, there’s a presence to fear. I stated this before you can be in a room by yourself. And when fear comes in, there’s something different about that room. And so the fear for me was the fear of rejection, which can feel different than the fear of abandonment, which can feel different than the fear of failure. But I as a woman, I was like, God, I’m going to be rejected by people. Wow, that it would be a fear of rejection was on me. And so what I ended up doing, I had to begin the process. What what feared was because initially, I knew it was a feeling to fear because I felt that before, I didn’t know what type of fear it was, why am I fearful for going into ministry? What is it about me going into ministry that causes me to stop and not want to go forward? And so for me, it was a fear of rejection, I had to label that thing to figure out exactly what it was. And I believe a lot of women know it’s something there, but they haven’t really pinpoint exactly why they keep getting to a certain point, and then stopping.
Kimberly Hobbs Right, right. Wow. And do you think it’s important to label that fear like to, but you gotta identify it, right?
Dr. Dana Yes, you have to know exactly what it is. You have to know exactly what type of fear it is. And the reason why you have to know that is and we’re going to talk about that. It’s because you need to know what to go to God and pray about.
Kimberly Hobbs Amen. Amen. That’s right. That’s right.
Dr. Dana Your prayer sister Kimberly, playing before the Lord and clear what the pray about if you don’t know what you battling with, amen, amen. So at the label it
Kimberly Hobbs so you labeled your fear. The Bible tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear in any in anything. That’s good. But of power, and love, and self discipline, He’s given us a spirit of power. Yes, Spirit of Love of self, discipline, sound mind. That’s Second Timothy, one, seven. Dana, let’s talk about some of the great women of the Bible here because we were just talking about different types of fear and just putting, you know, identify what kind of fear you had. We can relate ladies listening right now that we’ve all experienced different types of fears in our life. So let’s identify with some of the women of the Bible and what kind of fears that they faced.
Dr. Dana You know, you find people in the Bible you find like Esther, you know Esther had before, you know a king, you think about she had the battle with the fear of possibly death. You’re going in before a king and before you’re cold back then could cost you your life. It’s been you find people maybe like Abigail. You know, Abigail also could have had that fear of death as well, because she came and ran down Dave. And I said, Wait a minute, David. I know what you’re planning on doing because of my husband’s ignorance. I know what you’re planning on doing. But can you just not do this? Here’s the offering. He didn’t know he didn’t know any better. Can you not kill every all of our sons? She cheated. She felt that fear of death. She could have been with you. At that point. Then you also find in the Bible people like Mary, being pregnant. Yes. She didn’t need I mean, just think about carrying a baby and the father that the person you’re gonna marry a saying that’s not my baby. So I want to put you aside secretly, because I will set you aside secretly because I love you. And I don’t want what usually happens when this happens to you because of the culture we’re in. And the fear of that, of people looking at her being abandoned by him. The fear of the shame in that issue, experience. Yes, carrying Jesus, you know, as one now we experienced certain fears ourselves. We many of us in relationships are rejected. Many of us when we’re going have fear success. That’s the reason why are we not going to the next level fear of failure. So it’s a lot of people. And not just the people in the Bible, but women today, that fear has become a barrier to getting to the next level. Candidly, level, just stopping them there.
Kimberly Hobbs That’s right. That’s right. So the different women of the Bible have been able to overcome that. And that’s why we have such amazing stories that God gave us in the Bible to look to these women of faith. How did some of them overcome their fears?
Dr. Dana You know, the Bible tells you that Esther prayed. You know, sometimes, and these people fast it when you have what I call a stronghold. What God was a stronghold, that’s what it’s called. You got something on you that won’t let you go. Almost like a bulldog. When it bites onto a piece of meat, that Bulldog has a strong grip on the need. We have demonic influences that have a stronghold over our lives. And the only person who can break that stronghold is the Lord, His anointing destroys the yoke. So we got to go to God’s fasted and prayed
Kimberly Hobbs and seek sister. Amen. That’s right.
Dr. Dana We go to God with that thing. You know, and what else can you do? But go to the Lord, when you’ve identified that fear? What else can you do? What are you recognize that fear? Then you pray about that fear, then you have to speak the word over that fear. And the last thing you have to do is move out and faith. Amen. You have to do once you know what it is, you pray about it, you have to move out in faith and believe that the Lord is going to be with you and he’ll never leave you. And He will help you overcome as you go and faith believing that he’s already going to do it, and it’s already done.
Kimberly Hobbs That is so good. That is so good. And you take that first step of faith, because that’s what it is. It’s an action. Faith is an action word. So you have to put feet on your faith like Danna just said, step out, step out on that action. Action word, action word. Remember that ladies? So we don’t want to be immobilized in that fear that we are faced with whatever it be you know, jobless situation you just got a bad report from the doctor that oh my goodness, your your earth is shattering that it’s a doctor’s prognosis. Okay? We have a God. Don’t you be immobilized in fear that you’re on your deathbed? Because you got you got a bad report from the doctor? Absolutely not. Just like you said, Dana, you step out and you pray you give it to God. And you put feet on those prayers and you walk forward by faith. And you don’t look back and you trust God. Oh my god loves that’s a good word. That’s a good word. Yeah. So Gina, as you you allow God to rule in your life rather than fear. You. You you chose victory victory. I You didn’t stay stagnant in that that situation but that our victory we know our victory comes from God. So listen to this verse I thought, oh my gosh, this verse is so good. You can claim victory when you say we have. We can say this with confidence. The Lord is my helper. So I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Right? That’s Hebrews 13. Six, what are you fearing? Ladies? What are we fearing? What can mere people do to us? Okay, we, we are daughters of the Most High King. He’s our father, he’s not going to let our foot stumble and hit against a rock. No, he’s going to take care of us. So didn’t factor Deanna before I because I’m going to ask you to pray over these women before we close out but I just asked you to just pour into them right now and let loose on them. And take five minutes here and just give them those you know, just just be Dr. Danna, Dr. Dana, Dr. Dana, in their life right now saying God can do this.
Dr. Dana Yes, thank you. I want to tell you anyone that’s listening to the sound of my voice right now. If you know you battling with fear, I’m gonna call it a booger man. Can I call it that? My mom was she will call it a fear little booger bear, you know, you battling with fear. You know, it’s fear. You’re not mistaking what it is, I want to encourage you as a woman that has faced fear. When you make one foot and step out in faith, I promise you, God will make away just like he did for the children of Israel at the Red Sea. You may have to go out and step out and not know how he’s gonna do it. But faith will always open the door, you be encouraged. Don’t stand there and allow fear to intimidate you. When the Lord has spoken a word over your life. Don’t look at people’s faces. Don’t worry about their opinions. Nobody opinion, opinion matters. But God, if He tells you to do something, and you know that you feel like fear has you all tied up, and you recognize it begin to speak that word over your life. She says, wonderful scriptures today. God has not given us the spirit of fear. That means that don’t come from God. But it says power. We have power overcoming love, and a sound mind. And as you speak the word of God of your life, I promise you, oh, if I be a woman of God, and I know who I am, I promise you, the word is gonna do it. It’s gonna do it don’t need no help. And God will allow you to do and step out in faith and do what he’s called you to do. So I just wanted to speak that I feel excited about everyone that’s gonna hear this message. It’s all ready done.
Kimberly Hobbs As you’ve done, ladies, is done.
Dr. Dana Thank you so much. Yeah, all right.
Kimberly Hobbs Yes, no matter, ladies, whatever it is you’re facing. And I love this. The verse that we have in women world leaders is Ephesians 320. That says unto Him, who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or imagine, if you’re fearful? Would God put that scripture in his word that he is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask her imagine, know, if he wants you to be crippled and fear because it’s not going to happen? Or somebody’s telling you something that’s false evidence appearing real. That’s what fear stands for, right? It’s a lie from the pit of hell. It’s a lie unto Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or imagine, according to the power that’s at work within us. All right, Danna. Dana, I keep saying, Dana, Dana just talked about that power, that power that is at work within us, ladies is the power of the Holy Spirit. God, if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that you believe that he came and died on the cross for your sins alone. And you have accepted Him and confessed by faith, that he is the Son of God. And you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you are saved, you have the power of the Holy Spirit that works within you that no fear can come against. So as soon as you start to feel those things come up from whatever it is you’re walking through. You just remember, you have the power at work within you. Ephesians 320, write it down, underline it, whatever you’re walking through right now, God does not want you to walk it alone. He will never leave you or forsake you. Dear sister, Dana, I just again, I thank you for just even sharing that testimony that you walked through it. You you felt a calling on your life. The Devil was trying to hold you back and immobilize you. And he did not want you to move into that calling that God had over you. And there’s ladies out there listening to this right now whether they lost their job and they are crippled and feel they can’t move on. Whether they have that bad report from the doctor and they said, I’m done. I’m done. He told me I have eight weeks to live. What what are you going to believe that God has an appointed time over all our lives? God says in Ephesians 210 We are His masterpiece we are created a new in Christ Jesus to do the very good things that he planned for us long ago. So ladies, when that fear hits you in the face, he planned to do good things for you long ago. You keep going because that he’s not done with you yet. He has not done Deena Will you please pray over the woman listening right now that is just starting to feel that encouragement I can do this I can get through this I can I can look to God I can pray to Him I can release it pray right now over this sister. Please.
Dr. Dana Oh Heavenly Father God I just thank you for everyone God that’s going to tune in God to this god podcast God in the future God I pray that you would got anoint them God, as they hear the sounds of the word that have been released from there, our mouths today God but they will fill in divine freedom, god, oh god from anything to do with fear God made they will boldly into their future God knowing that you are with them. God, oh, Heavenly Father, we thank you for doing it acts according to the power that working within them God, you’ve already given them what they need to succeed God, we decree it today. We declare it today over their livestock. We speak it today God’s and it is already sold, and no greater name than the name of Jesus. I pray and we pray, or I feel a freedom from a woman on this desk. Listen to this in Jesus name. I pray again a man and a man says to Kimberly, we believe as all.
Kimberly Hobbs Amen. That sounds right. We do. We claim it we claim freedom from fear right this moment, ladies. And if you’re listening, you claim that freedom over your life. You have freedom from fear, you are not trapped in a prison of fear. Give it to God. Give it to Jesus, release it to him, surrender it to him, and stop being held back by that fear. And you walk forward. Put those shoes on, run to Jesus, you are free from fear, claim it claim it claim it in Jesus name. I just want you to just take this verse to and hold it. Don’t be afraid for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged. For I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. That’s Isaiah 4110. Wow, what more can we ask for God, the Creator of the universe of you of me. He’s gonna withhold us with his victorious right hand, right? It’s not us holding us up. It’s not anybody else holding us up. It’s God. It’s God. Go to him. Ladies, get these scriptures memorized. Get them under your belt so that when when these things hit you because we’re hit with them every day, we’re faced with all different kinds of fears. Just remember that we are approved by our Holy Father, to get us through anything, hold tight, and reread all these scriptures because honestly, ladies, they’re going to be the strength to get you through. There is power in the Word of God. Right? Dina, you turn to the Word of God. And I know you read those scriptures over your life when when fear was holding you down.
Dr. Dana Do you have a closing word? Walk go and walk by faith and pursue the things that God has called you to do because he’s with you. God is with all of them and he’s with us. And we know that with him there is no failure in God. So we know we’re going to succeed I’m so excited about that. They got
Kimberly Hobbs excited, all excited to remember Victory. Victory and Jesus ladies okay, you keep going if you are called out by God, and we believe if you are on this podcast and you are watching this podcast right now there is no coincidence. By God he had you here to listen in, to hear this word, to claim victory over your life over the fears that fail you over The fears that keep you captive, claim it claim victory and Jesus ladies, and we’re here to just encourage you and empower you to do so. So as we close, which is always I feel so sad because me and when God just starts going and giving us words and helping us just empower you, there’s there’s no wanting to stop. But we always do have to come to an end, and I get to share some of the things about this amazing ministry with you ladies, we want all of you to be part of it. And if you’re feeling this calling on your life, and you want to serve here with us and women, world leaders, we have a place for everybody. Reach out to me personally at Kimberly at women world leaders.com. I would love to hear from you. I would love to know that you feel that calling on your life and you want to step out in faith. And you don’t want fear to hold you back. And you want to say yes, God, I can serve you somehow, some way. Oh, my goodness, we have places for you. Here we have so many things we have opportunities. With right within this voice of Truth magazine. Maybe you write and share your story, and a voice of truth story. This magazine is an amazing publication that’s free to the world. Outside of the United States, you have the digital copy, which is available on our website, women world leaders.com. Or if you are in the United States, you can get this amazing beautiful copy 100 pages, we come out with it every quarter sent to your home ladies. And you just go on to our website and request it. Ladies, this will bless you, this will encourage you and it’s a way that you can get involved in women, world leaders. We need prayer warriors, if you want to come on board as part of the prayer team. We invite you to contact us and say I want to serve in praying. You can pray wherever you are in the world. But you can be connected to part of our prayer team. We have a prayer group me where we have so many women I can’t even tell you in different countries that come together. And we put the specific requests on there. And we pray, we pray it is an active group, let me tell you, but not only that, there’s so many other ways ladies that you can be used here. Don’t let fear mobilize you and mobilize you step out. And ladies, we also want to invite you to our other podcasts, which will you have podcasts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at women world leaders. And on Wednesday, we have our beautiful co CEO of women world leaders, Julie Jenkins, and she takes you through the teaching podcasts of the Gospels and it’s wonderful. So please don’t miss out on Wednesdays. And then on Fridays we have celebrating God’s grace for different women of the ministry. Just pour into you joy and happiness and different things to talk about going into your weekend. And we know that it is a blessing because we we listen to them and we don’t miss any of the podcasts. Ladies, we love you. And we thank you for being here. And we asked you to share these podcasts with anybody that would need them need to hear the content. Dr. Dana, I thank you for being on today. You’re a blessing You’re a sweetheart. And Dr. Dina is coming into the women world leaders ministry and we are so blessed to have her. So we pray as God moves in her life that you will see more of Dr. Dana in women world leaders. So ladies from his heart to yours. We are women world leaders all content is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed written consent. Ladies, we love you be blessed and have a glorious day