There are some places of the promise God has put in your heart, seeds of faith that He has put in your hand when all you seem to possess is a barren field of thickets and thorns.
Look for the promise and have faith. It’s there. This is not a time to give up or give in. Hold tight.
Do you seem to be wandering endlessly through a dry and barren land these days? Are you feeling helpless or maybe alone?
When circumstances speak otherwise, please know our ever-loving, never-changing God is with you. He is the God of promise and gives you faith to see the barren fields restored, to feel grass under your feet again, instead of just admiring it from a distance or in someone else’s yard. He also gives you eyes to envision the expanded territory that He lovingly has assigned to you. Please look with those type of eyes that hold on to His promises. You have illumination through your powerful Father who loves you and died for you.
You are not alone and He has a plan for your life dear sister. Look up and look to God for direction from His Word. The answers are all there, waiting for you to read!
Your great and wonderful Shepherd will lead you to the places of promise, one faithful step at a time. Read this powerful, personal verse:
“The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” (Psalms 37:23 NLT.)
God delights in His masterpiece, His beautiful child, His creation of YOU is what brings Him joy!