We are emotional beings and God created us in His image to be so.
God gave us emotions so we could grow, mature, be fulfilled, and experience enjoyment. Our feelings were made to be our friends.
Often times I rely on my emotions and sometimes they get in the way, especially when they escalate out of control. Thankfully, and because of the wisdom God has given to me, He quickly reigns me back in.
When we experience negative emotions, it is usually telling us something needs attention. Stop for a moment and understand there is a reason. Figure out the problem before it escalates out of control. Take constructive action toward it and you will see the emotion served its purpose at that moment.
Jesus displayed emotions. Think about how He compassionately healed the man with the shriveled hand. ( Mark 3:5) The Pharisees were zeroed in on the fact He healed on the Sabbath, breaking their laws. Jesus’ anger and sorrow over their action was totally appropriate reflecting our Father’s own heart. Wisdom from God directed Him in the moment.
Please ask God to give you wisdom over dealing with your emotions before the action occurs. He will help you with whatever it is.
“Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger…” (James 1:19)