September 18, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


We see in our world every day that people are getting frustrated from failure because they are seeking perfection in the wrong ways. How can we be perfect when we live in a world tainted by sin?

God says the only thing that will satisfy any yearning we have to be perfect is to put everything we desire in our close relationship with Him. Only Jesus can satisfy the need of feeling content instead of how we view that everything in our world must be A-OK to perfect to live without grief.

When it comes to other people or earthly pleasures or our business achievements or personal looks, they can become idols in our lives. When this happens, we strive for these things more and more instead of making God the deepest desire of our hearts. That’s not okay.

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

Try enjoying God’s blessings over your life each day and understand nothing needs to be perfect. Ask the Lord to put godly desires in your heart, and then when you delight in God, He makes you want what He wants.

God’s ways are right, and you will soon look at things of this world through His eyes if you let Him satisfy your soul. 

The good news…He always makes room for any of us who are short of perfection!