April 21, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord!” ( Proverbs 21:30-31 NIV)

Guest Writer: Laurie Sammarco 

So powerful are the words from Richard  Aronson when he says “The Bible tells us that Jesus was manifest on this earth in order to destroy the works of the devil. That means He came to earth, died on the cross, and rose from the dead in order to destroy the power of darkness. 

That also means that darkness has been defeated. If that’s the case then the battle we are fighting isn’t to gain victory but FROM A PLACE OF VICTORY.

Our fight is to remind ourselves and the powers of darkness that Jesus has already won and SO HAVE WE!

What a powerful summation that we stand in a position of victory because we have the power of the Lord within us, ready to do battle against anything and anyone, knowing that in the end we will reap what we’ve sown because we stood strong in the name of Jesus using all His glorious characteristics….Hallelujah!

Like a horse that runs wild in the meadows, with the freedom of no restrictions, we also live with the freedom of knowing that God’s power IS attainable to us at any time.

Let God prepare your hearts for the battle so that the Lord’s light shines through you and let’s the enemy tremble in fear! May they extinguish at the sight of God’s living Word blazing before them, giving a warning that God is in control. He has the power to overcome and He will reward us with His victory. 

Charge on!!