March 6, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

God is a God who provides. He will take what you have and multiply your needs. In light of our world today and if you are worrying about “having enough” please read 2 Kings chapter 4 today. It spoke to my heart so I’ve decided to share it to help empower you.
“Elisha said, ‘Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side” (2 Kings 4:3-4)
The widow in this story didn’t know what God would do with these empty jars, she only knew He asked her to gather them. So she did. (This woman’s faith would be measured by how many jars she would collect.)
In this story, God took what she had in only one jar and then multiplied it to fill all the jars she went to gather. She brought them all back to her house. Can you imagine if she had only picked up one more or maybe only a few jars? No, her faith was greater than doubt, she went and gathered as many as she could! She trusted God and what she heard Him say.
God speaks to our hearts in these times of need. We just need to be still and listen.
Do you have enough faith to embrace what God wants to give you in your empty jar? Bigger question…”Are you even able to contain all He has for you?
God wants to do big things for all of us. This is where enormous faith comes in. We at “WWL”, have this type of faith.  Example: When we prayed, we asked  God to “open doors” and provide a way for us to go global, And guess what, Bam-He did it!!!
Determine in your brain to “shut the door” this very minute on your doubts and then, ask God to step out with you as you trust Him with “all the jars you can find” and ask Him for them to be filled! That’s HUGE FAITH ladies! We all need to possess that type of faith❤