December 16, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

A friendly reminder…
With Christmas approaching, may we remember that we are what we “choose” to be at this time of year, it is our choice. We can’t play the blame game for any issues short of JOY in our demeanor and attitude toward others…
If you are sour please don’t blame it on your parents, your spouse, your siblings, your friends, your children, or whoever takes that space or place in your mind. It robs you of your freedom to smile and live for Jesus.
You have the ability to claim your own joy; past, present, and future.
“Behold, you are a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
“The joy of the Lord is your strength!” (Nehemiah 8:10)
Today and every day we NEED His strength!
At this time of year, so many can become depressed and negative because they have lost their joy, and they blame it on another person.
You are in Christ! Release it to Him and go on!
Blaming others does not work in the Christ like walk of faith. Start renewing your mind each day that no one can own your soul! We are alive in Christ Jesus, aren’t we ladies? That’s something to be joyful about.
Many do not know our Savior and are lost and suffering with no hope for eternity. That should make our hearts sad. But we know we can easily turn the ship around by greeting them with our inner joy that can only come from the “Christ” Living in you! YOU can be joy!
Let’s all praise Him for all of our blessings and that He is The Giver of our life each day and because of Him, He brings us great joy to experience it all and share it with others, while loving Him!