301. Interview with Robin Kirby Gatto, Pt. 2

by julie 

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  • 301. Interview with Robin Kirby Gatto, Pt. 2

We welcome back today’s guest, Robin Kirby Gatto, who continues to encourage us about breaking free with deliverance from various shackles of strongholds that hold us captive.    Through The Power at work within us and the Word of God, Robin, a best-selling author, doctor, and social worker, shares about freedom. Robin serves in full-time ministry, teaching and sharing the Word of Truth to bring powerful healing to the soul.   *****  

Kimberly Hobbs   Welcome to empowering lives with purpose. And I’m your host Kimberly have so I’m the founder of Women world leaders and today we are back for part two of deliverance with our guest, Robin Kirby Gatto. Welcome, Robin, glad to have you back.

Robin Kirby Gatto   I am so excited to be here, Kimberly.

Kimberly Hobbs   Well, we’re excited to have you and ladies, if you didn’t tune in to last week’s podcast, please, please go back and listen. And you will hear as Robin shared her story about deliverance, and how she had been bound to chains that were binding her in many different ways in her life, which I think a lot of us can relate to. and empowering lives with purpose here. And why we do this podcast is because we can relate to each other through sharing stories through sharing wisdom that God pours into us over the years and how we come out of these things that God delivers us from victories in our lives that he shares with us are all part of God’s plan that we help each other to empower each other, and support one another through these, these challenges that we are thrown all throughout our life. And Ephesians 210 says that we are God’s masterpiece we are created and new and Christ Jesus to do that very good things that he has planned for us long ago. And ladies, we believe that he has a purpose and plan for your life. And as we talk about today, in part two, of this podcast about deliverance, that there may be some things that are holding you bound and shackled from being able to walk out that beautiful purpose that God has just for you. There could be those things just hidden in your life, that need to be brought out and exposed. And there’s ways that God will do that in our life if we allow him to. And the beauty is that our sister here has gone through many things. She was an alcoholic, she was addicted. She had different things in her life that she needed to be freed from before God was able to use her in the beautiful calling that he has on her life, which is in ministry. So I want to share a little bit about our guest again, before we get back into part two. For those of you may just be tuning in for the first time. Robin is a prolific author with a Bachelor and Master’s degree in social work and a Juris juris doctorate. She has been in full time ministry since February 2011, where God enlarged the curtains ever habitation, lengthened her steaks, and sent her out, not by man, by himself by God. She has written many teaching books, which include two series of Gods firewall School of the prophets, and also God’s firewall healing of the soul, as well as some fictional series of the ancient language seekers. And her latest book is mindfulness of the mind of Christ, which many of you may want to look into after hearing this podcast. And that shows the Christian how to walk out their deliverance by the consecration of the body through the word of truth that sets them free. And as we were talking last week, it’s all about the power in the Word of God that will set the captives free, it will set our hearts free, free in so many ways, ladies from the shackles that bind you. Robin has been married to rich got toe since 2001, and has two sons, a daughter and grace and twin grandchildren. She’s from Birmingham, Alabama, and taught and preached in other nations including the Philippines and Nicaragua. So last week, I just want to bring some of the listeners up to where we are today. Robin was sharing how she had made some mistakes in her life and and she had walked in and out of some marriages and there was a lot there. And again, a powerful of what God showed her in those beginning stages. But God delivered her she had a defining moment one time in church as he spoke to her heart, and she felt that deliverance come upon her. And when I asked her to expound on that, well, she took off and she He knows her stuff. And I just want and pray and hope that she will pour into you. Just truths that God has given her about that word. And let’s take up where we left off last week Robin, about this word deliverance.

Robin Kirby Gatto   Yes, oh my goodness, it is my favorite subject. My heart is for the cell. And one of the things that God showed me my biggest go to scriptures for deliverance about what that means is John 832, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. And that word truth in Greek is Allah Thea. And it means something’s no longer hidden, it’s uncovered. And the way to understand this better are the two Greek words that compose it, Kimberly, it’s alpha, and lantana. A, whenever alpha is in front of another word, it negates it. So it’s the opposite. So alpha is in front of lantana. And lantana, means that was just concealed, that was just hidden. And so we see in the core parable of mark four of the sower of seed, where afterward, Jesus goes immediately into another parable. And all of this is about the subject about the seed, and what the seed does, and the power of that, Steve. And so he talks about bringing a lamp into a room, verse 2325, we start seeing this transition, you bring a lamp into your room, not to hide it, but to put it on top of the table on the lamp stand, and that the light is to be brought on top of that lamp stand. And he talks about measuring measurements, and all of a sudden, we see, be careful what you hear, or whatever you hear will be what added. And he and then immediately we see another shift, and he talks about a seed being planted, and how it grows, it starts to sprout, and no one knows how it does that. And then all of a sudden, it is a standing grain harvest. So all of these concepts together, are showing you the power of the truth. And the way that God began to shift me into understanding this at a greater way in teaching it because I want to understand it’s not sufficient enough just to hear a scripture, because it’s not in the body. If you just hear it, you want a scripture to be experienced in your body. And what that means is, it’s an experienced thought. So that is believed. Whatever you believe in, are experienced thoughts. So if you believe you’re a failure, your experience experiencing failure in the body. And this is where the self image the soul is, this is where Holy Spirit and our spirit man are. And so God began to talk to me and he said, Robin, make it simple so people can understand. And so we see Scripture say, work out your own salvation, Philippians 212 it fear and trembling. And God said, robbing your soul is your self image. So what you’re really working out is your self image. And what that means is the way that we think about ourselves, you can’t love others, if you don’t love yourself. And so God began to show me the power of the truth. And how light in Scripture is a metaphor for truth, that whenever you see light in Scripture, that is a metaphor for revealed truth. And so what Jesus is saying about bringing a lamp into your room bringing a light into a room, did they put on a lamp stand? Is that the truth of that seed that’s been planted in the ground? The sower is Jesus, and he says, the seed in the cell in the self image, and it grows and it sprouts. And so as we are faithful and committed to the word, and to let God by the Holy Spirit, because see, I had a lot of seed in my body before but I didn’t know the power. That’s right. And so it was claimed in my members, but I hadn’t tasted the power of her Holy Spirit of the Spirit of Truth of the Spirit of the Lord. And so God began to show me, John one, five, how the light pierces the darkness in our soul. And that just as I was fragmented from that first marriage, and my members, because what is what’s the real issue is this pruning process of areas of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, all the way back to the garden. And as the enemy attacked Eve, by this suggestion, oh, come on, take a taste of this fruit. That power of suggestion was the first thought that was trying to reach to Eve’s body to experience a desire for that fruit. And that’s what Satan knows. All a stronghold is, is hypnosis, it is the power of a suggestion. And if that suggestion can get to your body, that’s where unclean spirits attached to those areas of evil stored up, even if you didn’t introduce it, right, if you were just put around it not because of your volunteer volition, your own volition, but it was in up around your person. We see this lot. I saw this a lot as a psychotherapist with children who were taken advantage of during a younger age and an evil way. And they did it the listening volitionally agree to it. But their body has knowledge of it. It’s store. And so God is gracious. He’s merciful, because I used to work with a lot of people that had areas of dissociative disorder, which used to be known as multiple personality disorder. And I was very much drawn to that as a young little girl when I watched Sybil, and the movie was Sally Fields in it. And I was drawn to that true story of how this woman as a child dissociated, and I had a lot of clients. And I wanted to understand what does the word say about that. And it Nehemiah one, we find that Nehemiah, he is the son of Nun, and he is the son of Hector Elia, the son of Pecola. Josh was the son of Nun. Nehemiah is the son of Hekla. And it’s the time of Tesla, which is the time of light, it is Hanukkah. It is the time of Hanukkah is the time of light. And then all of a sudden, we see where God speaks to Nehemiah, and he brings to remembrance if you transgress me, I will scatter you abroad. But if you return to me, even though you have parts as far as outerspace, I will bring every part to that place where my name dwells. And what’s interesting is Nehemiah is dad’s name, Hakka. laga means y’all have darkness. And it means that God will not leave your darkness. He brings light to your darkness.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. And then oh my goodness, that I know this is overwhelming. I know. It Well, it is and I just I’m praying as you’re you’re speaking that the women are following because ladies, this is powerful. This is so powerful. So yes, God is never going to leave you alone. You feel that you are shackled to all of these different things in your life that you just can’t get rid of. You can’t seem to get them out, because they’re in all these parts of your life. Well, we have news for you you can and through the power of the of God, the Holy Spirit working in you, you can be delivered from these things. So yes, please continue.

Robin Kirby Gatto   Oh, good, good, because I know sometimes it helps to just have that little pause and understand that these y’all who are watching this scripture says in first Corinthians 213 and 14 that the Word of God is spiritually discerned. It is not from the mind, it is not up here. And so what I tell a lot of people when I preach or teach or write, because we’re so used to Kimberly going at it, like, let me understand this like that. When we go into school, when we go to college, we go into a subject or high school we’re like, Okay, I got my pen and pencils, I got my notebooks. Let me take notes. You cannot do that with God in the place. It is From our mind, it is not about our power, it is by His spirit.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. And one thing I want to add right here, ladies, and we talk, I’ve talked about this with you before Robin is that ladies? Well, there’s different, there’s different forms of knowledge here that we were talking about, okay? Because we can all have the worldly knowledge that we need filled with the sciences and all of the things that were taught all through school, okay. But when you become a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you want to desire, the wisdom of the word, the wisdom that God wants you to have, which is completely different than the wisdom of the world. So pray for that wisdom right now that God would just deliver that wisdom into your heart. And there is a scripture that says, if you ask for it, ladies, he will give that to you. And that’s why James one five is such an important scripture. And I have prayed that for years, because I constantly daily, ask God for his wisdom, if any of us lack wisdom, let us ask God, and He will give it to us generously to any of us who asked, Have that scripture memorized. And this is what Robin is talking about right now is the Godly wisdom coming out of scriptures that he has given her to share with you.

Robin Kirby Gatto   Praise God. And so that’s what helps because we’ve so been taught just about the mind in so many areas, and about Second Corinthians 10, four through eight, taking thought captive thoughts captive, but we’ve not really understood the concentration of the body, and the importance and the potency of that consecration. And so God began to show me areas of my deliverances and of my freedom, and maintaining that freedom, and in walking in that freedom, is the power of consecration, and that he pours his spider out of Holy Spirit on the consecrated altar on the consecrated place. And so God began to just deal with my members and tell me, Robin, your freedom of every one of those deliverances, it came from the body up to the mind, that as the body was consecrated unto me, as you sat at my word, and you ate of me, he said, I came, and I brought freedom in your soul in your self image. And so what we don’t realize about this receptor, and this is what’s blowing people away. And in my opinion, it is the greatest discovery since DNA, and it was discovered about in the 70s. And so it’s still the new kid on the block. And there’s a lot of studies and research that have been done. But it is like a universe, a cosmos unto itself, just like DNA is huge, this receptor called the G protein coupled receptor. And the abbreviation is GPCR, which in my book is God’s power in Christ’s resurrection, then I know, everything’s always about God and Jesus and the spirit of it. And even the way that this receptor, causes the intracellular activity of your sales, literally shows you Jesus leaving glory coming to earth, as a man, son of God’s done a man and bringing the message of covenant. I mean, it is just powerful, how intricately God has designed us. And so this receptor has so many different with different areas in our person in which things operate, such as the area of addictions, the area of addictions is at this receptor. Also, you have senses, not on your head, but as you’re looking at this video right now are listening to it. And if you have some hot coffee or hot tea, that’s or you’re eating your lunch, and say you have that taste and that smell, literally all of that stimuli of your regular senses are going into your body and hitting this receptor of G protein coupled receptor in your body. And it is encoding memory. This receptor actually helps encode neurons and the memories stored in neurons. And so God began to show me he said, Robin, notice in the Garden of Eden, he said, Adam was perfect. I said, Oh, yes, he was perfect. You made it. And he said he had eyes. He had ears. I said, Yes, Lord. If he said, So, why does it say his the senses would be open? Recall that Hebrew word. And I said, Oh Lord, I don’t know why he said, Because you have eyes in your body Ephesians 118, that the spirit of understanding calm and that the light of truth come upon the eyes of your heart. So you have understanding. And so this truth comes to the body, the consecration, this is the place of conviction, you’re not up here, and victims were shins and when there’s passion, and so for my deliverance, I was already experiencing it in my body. The gifts of faith just start up hope in me. And I was like the drop bones and God breeds that word is Ezekiel 37 1011. Say they still have a great army, but they said, our hope our Tikva is cut all. And that Tikva actually means a chord in Hebrew, and it means hope. And none of the words dawn, I need a connection in my body to you. I don’t want to just know you go into church up here, I want to know you in this temple. And God began to show me he said, Robin, when Adam and Eve had a change in what the body in the Garden of Eden, when they ate the fruit, he said, the eyes of their body was opened up to the knowledge of evil. And it would be like opening up your computer and having the all of Wikipedia downloaded, then all of that information was added to their member. So just imagine, if all you’ve done is God, and all of a sudden, you’ve taken a body of this fruit, and something has changed. And you look at your body that used to be holy. And now you see it as this evil thing. It is because the senses of their body had been perverted by the enemy. And that’s what the enemy does, is he perverts truth. And God by the word, brains, the light of truth, to our body. John 15, to where we are praying those that bear what fruit fruit, he prays to bear what more abundant fruit and right phrase, that word praying is Cathar raise. As soon as I saw that word, Kimberly, I went. That’s catharsis. And sure enough, I looked up catharsis where Aristotle came up with catharsis. And it comes from the Greek word Cathar. Rose, the same word that Jesus uses. And it means to purge, it means to parkgate it means to cleanse. So every one of my deliverances I would feel this tangible, cleansing, like when I had pain, hurt in my members, that deliverance was so beautiful. And that release, were all of a sudden, I just went into this uncontrollable crying.

Just I could not stop it. And I did not know what was wrong with me. And I just cried and cried and cried and it was uncontrollable. And it was a released, my members were purged a pain. Yes, were gone. It was cathartic. It was not seen enjoyable release of that emotion, where it could no longer stay in my body. Because it had been consecrated. Amen.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. Amen. That is so powerful, so powerful. And ladies, if you have not had that moment with God that released that, you know, pray, God knows your heart, He will hear those words you pray and ask him for that deliverance. He’s not going to hold it from you. You truly want that inner purging to come out. It will and I’m relating with you, Robin because I was at that moment to where I had that and I experienced that and that uncontrollable crying. Yes, because God allows your eyes to be opened and you see and it’s like that deliverance is powerful, right? Powerful. So oh my gosh, here we are again, like Robin like I can’t even believe this like Time just flies so fast. But I want to ask you right now there’s that woman that is listening right now. I’m just on the tip edge of her seat, just hearing these words that God has provided today through your tongue. And I’m just asking Robin pour into that woman right now. walk her through what to do. She’s addicted to alcoholism, like you were She’s addicted to drugs, she’s addicted to sex. She’s addicted to anger, whatever it is that wells up inside of her that she’s cannot seem to control. What is your word of truth to her from God’s Word today?

Robin Kirby Gatto   The word of truth is the power of the still small voice of God, that even Elijah the prophet had witnessed God’s power, but he brought him back at Mount Horeb. To that still small voice to God. And I would tell you to shut off the voice of the enemy, to shut off the voice of the world. And that anything that is not in God’s Word, you have to be committed, that if it’s not in the word, that’s not who you are, you have to be committed and eat the word. And some of the most profound scriptures I would tell you are Jeremiah 2911, did 13 John one one through 18 of Asians 117 through 23 seasons 316 through 21. Hey, man, those scriptures and you hold on and you wait for your deliverance because it draws NDI in Jesus name, amen.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. Amen. And ladies, she gave those to you rewind this, write those down, and police police look them up. Because there is power in the Word. You have expectations on God to deliver you from these addictions that are binding you, oh, my goodness, you pray, pray the scripture that she just gave for you to read back to God, when you’re praying, you watch what’s going to happen ladies in your life. You watch it, I’m living proof God will deliver you from these things. I promise you in Jesus name, we claim it with you, Robin, I think of a great way for us to close. Just last week and this week, because you know, we came to an end so quickly last week and jumped right into this week. But I’m going to ask you to just pray over the sisters that are listening right now that are battling in their heart and the devil does not want them to hear this. He hasn’t. And he wants him to just jump off. But no, we need to pray a prayer over them a covering for them that they are solidifying that they are going to go to God with us. And so can you pray over them, right?

Robin Kirby Gatto   That’s my favorite thing. I just pray that spirit of the Lord is upon you and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, every assignment of heaviness, cloak of heaviness, be lifted off in the name of Jesus Christ, the synagogue, and every line serpent be lifted all in Jesus name, and ash Bray, the Spirit of the Lord is upon you. And then you will come out of dungeons and the cat tivity, which has kept you it will fall off. It will be destroyed by the anointing by a young destroying anointing. And I pray that the garment of expressive praise is upon your members. I pray that you’re on that highway of holiness, Isaiah 35 Eight, where no unclean day no BS can come on that highway. And I’ll pray a hunger and thirst be in your soul for the righteousness of God, and it be made known to your members, and that God’s light pierces your darkness. And it causes all the attacks of the enemy, to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed. And the power of the truth hallelujah John 1717, that you are consecrated by that word of truth and God’s word, in Jesus name. And I pray that God is a wall of fire around about you, and the glory in the midst of you in Jesus name, amen.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. Amen.

What does God’s Word say? Call me when you are in trouble? And I will rescue you that Psalm 55 And thank you. Thank you, Robin, as we call out to Jesus on behalf of these women, we pray for you ladies. We will continue to pray for you and we pray that we get to hear more from Robin Gatto. And Robin, can you tell the ladies how they can get your books because the amazing what you have done for God’s great kingdom, please tell them. Thank you.

Robin Kirby Gatto   I’ve got mindfulness the mind of Christ, which looks like this with the bee on it. And it’s on Amazon and a journal that is 100 day journal that is called the self just be the self image journal. And you can find both of those on Amazon. And I am just so excited. I know I’ve got book coaching in there, I do book coaching, where I expand because it’s so much. And so anybody that’s interested, I have women that do it for free, because I can’t afford it. And I’m not about people paying, I’m about people getting it. And so if they really want that book coaching and they can’t afford it, just tell them to contact me. And I will get them hooked up with book coaching. Because of all the science that talked about and stuff in helps explain it and expound on it. Appreciate it, Kimberly. Oh, amen.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. Well, you know what you my dear i, this was an anointing over these podcasts. God has used you in a powerful way. And of course, we want you to share, you know, the, the wisdom that He’s poured out of you, Robin, and you put it into books so that we can all glean those truths that God has, thank you. We are so grateful. And then so grateful that you would come to women, world leaders and share with us and be part of this amazing ministry. Because we know that God is doing exceedingly abundantly beyond what we can imagine through this ministry. And he is bringing people as yourself, Robin, and maybe some of you listening, have these gifts that you need to share with the world. Please don’t hold back. If God is gifting you in certain ways. Come to us, let us know and we will, again, give you the opportunity to serve God here in this place. It’s amazing to serve together right and learn all this together. I love it. Love it. Love it. So God bless you, Robin, thank you again for coming on board with us. And ladies, we have these podcasts each Monday, Wednesday and Friday for you to be able to tune in so please utilize them every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Share them with everybody that you know that can benefit from the truth that God brings through women around the world. So God bless each and every one of you, from his heart to yours. We are women world leaders. Remember all content is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed written consent. God bless you all have a fabulous day. Thank you again, Robin. Thank you